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Meaning: The act of translating written or spoken language from one language to another.

Pronunciation: /trænsˈleɪʃən/


Usage: Translation is the process of conveying the meaning of a text in one language to another. It involves understanding the original text and then finding an equivalent expression in the target language.

Example Sentences:

1. She specializes in translation from French to English.


2. The translation of this novel into Spanish was a huge success.


3. The company hired a professional translator for their business meetings.


4. We need to find a reliable translation service for our website.


5. The accuracy of machine translation still cannot compare to that of human translators.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Interpretation - the action of explaining the meaning of something

2. Version - a particular form or variation of something, often referring to translated works

3. Transcription - converting spoken language into written form, usually in the same language

4. Localization - adapting a product or service for use in a specific region or country, including translation

5. Paraphrase - expressing something using different words, often used in translation to convey the same meaning but with different wording

Editor's Summary:

Translation is an essential tool for communication between different languages and cultures. It requires not only language proficiency but also cultural understanding and the ability to convey meaning accurately. While machine translation has advanced in recent years, it still cannot match the accuracy and nuance of human translation. As a result, professional translators play a crucial role in bridging the gap between languages and promoting global understanding.


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