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Meaning: How to say in English for economic and trade purposes

Pronunciation: /ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk ənd treɪd ˈpɜːpəsɪz/


Usage: This phrase is used to refer to the act of expressing something in English specifically for matters related to economics and trade.

Example Sentences:

1. For successful business negotiations, it is crucial to know how to say things in English for economic and trade purposes.


2. As a language model AI, I am programmed to provide accurate translations for phrases such as "经贸用英语怎么说".


3. The ability to communicate effectively in English for economic and trade purposes can greatly enhance one's career prospects.


4. Many international companies require their employees to have a good grasp of how to say things in English for economic and trade purposes.


5. With the increasing globalization of markets, it has become essential for businesses to have employees who are proficient in expressing themselves in English for economic and trade purposes.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Business English - This term is often used interchangeably with "经贸用英语怎么说" and refers to the use of English in business and trade contexts.

2. Commercial English - Similar to "Business English", this term also refers to the use of English for commercial purposes.

3. Trade Language - This term can be used to describe the specific language used in trade negotiations and transactions.

4. Economic Terminology - Refers to the vocabulary and terminology used in economics, which is essential for understanding how to say things in English for economic and trade purposes.

5. Financial Jargon - This term refers to specialized vocabulary related to finance, which is often used when discussing economic and trade matters.

Editor's Summary:

In today's globalized world, being able to communicate effectively in English for economic and trade purposes is crucial for success in various industries. Knowing how to say things in English that are specifically related to economics and trade can greatly enhance one's career prospects. With the increasing demand for employees who are proficient in this skill, it is important for individuals to improve their proficiency in "经贸用英语怎么说".


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