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经营范围的英语翻译 经营范围用英语怎么说

一:经营范围的英语翻译 经营范围用英语怎么说的意思

经营范围的英语翻译 经营范围用英语怎么说

The translation of "经营范围" in English is "scope of business" or "business scope." It refers to the range of activities or services that a company or organization is involved in.


The pronunciation of "经营范围" is /jīng yíng fàn wéi/ in pinyin.


"经营范围" is commonly used in business documents, such as company registration forms, business licenses, and contracts. It specifies the types of products or services that a company can provide and the industries it operates in.


1. 公司的经营范围包括房地产开发、物业管理和建筑设计。

The company's scope of business includes real estate development, property management, and architectural design.

2. 根据公司章程,公司的经营范围仅限于电子产品制造业。

According to the company's articles of association, its scope of business is limited to the manufacturing of electronic products.

3. 这家公司的经营范围覆盖了全国各地,甚至海外市场。

This company's scope of business covers all parts of the country and even overseas markets.

4. 作为一家跨国企业,我们的经营范围涉及多个行业。

As a multinational corporation, our scope of business involves multiple industries.

5. 公司正在扩大经营范围,计划进新兴市场。

The company is expanding its scope of business and planning to enter emerging markets.


1. 营业范围 (yíng yè fàn wéi) - This is another term for "经营范围" and can be used interchangeably.

2. 业务范围 (yè wù fàn wéi) - This refers to the range of business activities that a company is engaged in.

3. 经营领域 (jīng yíng lǐng yù) - This refers to the field or industry in which a company operates.

4. 经营范围扩大 (jīng yíng fàn wéi kuò dà) - This means to expand the scope of business, usually by entering new markets or industries.




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