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繁文褥节英文怎么写 (fán wén rù jié yīng wén zěn me xiě)的意思是指繁琐的礼仪和烦琐的节日。这个词组由三个词组成,每个词都有特定的含义。"繁"表示复杂或多样,"文"指文化或礼仪,"褥节"是指特定的节日。因此,繁文褥节英文怎么写可以被理解为“复杂的礼仪和烦琐的节日”。

怎么读:音标为/fæn wɛn ru dʒiː jɪŋ wɛn zɛn miː ʃaɪ/




1. The wedding ceremony was filled with so many traditions and customs that it felt like a never-ending event. It was a perfect example of 繁文褥节 (fán wén rù jié).

这场婚礼充满了那么多传统和习俗,让人感觉像是永无止境的活动。它是一个完美的例子,说明了 繁文褥节 (fán wén rù jié)。

2. The company's annual dinner was a grand affair with a long list of rituals and ceremonies. It was a classic case of 繁文褥节 (fán wén rù jié).

公司的年度晚宴是一个盛大的活动,有很多仪式和典礼。这是一个典型的 繁文褥节 (fán wén rù jié) 的例子。

3. The traditional tea ceremony in Japan is known for its elaborate and intricate procedures. Some people find it charming, while others find it 繁文褥节 (fán wén rù jié).

日本的传统茶道以其复杂精细的程序而闻名。有些人觉得它很迷人,而另一些人则认为它太 繁文褥节 (fán wén rù jié) 了。

4. The government's bureaucracy is often criticized for its 繁文褥节 (fán wén rù jié) procedures, which make it difficult for citizens to get things done quickly.

的常常因其 繁文褥节 (fán wén rù jié) 的程序而受到批评,这使得公民很难快速办事。

5. In the past, Chinese New Year celebrations were much simpler, but now they have become more 繁文褥节 (fán wén rù jié), with many new customs and traditions being added.

过去,新年庆祝活动更加简单,但现在它们变得更加 繁文褥节 (fán wén rù jié),许多新的习俗和传统被添加进来。


1. 繁琐 (fán sǒu) - 繁琐的程序 (fán sǒu de chéng xù) - complicated procedures

2. 烦琐 (fán suǒ) - 烦琐的礼节 (fán suǒ de lǐ jié) - tiresome rituals

3. 冗长 (rǒng cháng) - 冗长的仪式 (rǒng cháng de yí shì) - lengthy ceremonies

4. 累赘 (lèi zhuì) - 累赘的节日 (lèi zhuì de jié rì) - burdensome holidays



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