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1. 笨拙用英语怎么说的意思:

The meaning of "笨拙用英语怎么说" is how to say something in English in a clumsy or awkward manner.

2. 怎么读(音标):


The pronunciation of "笨拙用英语怎么说" is bèn zhuō yòng yīng yǔ zěn me shuō, with the phonetic symbols /bɛn ʒwɔː jʊŋ iːŋ juː zən mə ʃuː/.

3. 用法:

"笨拙用英语怎么说" is often used when someone is trying to express something in English but they are not fluent or skilled in the language, resulting in a clumsy or awkward expression.

4. 例句1-5句且中英对照:

1) 我想告诉你一个好消息,但是我不太会说,笨拙用英语怎么说呢?(I want to tell you some good news, but I'm not good at expressing it, how do I say it clumsily in English?)

2) 昨天我在餐厅点了一道菜,但是服务员听不懂我的笨拙英文。(Yesterday I ordered a dish at the restaurant, but the waiter couldn't understand my clumsy English.)

3) 我很羡慕那些能够流利地使用英语的人,我总是笨拙地表达自己的想法。(I envy those who can speak English fluently, I always clumsily express my thoughts.)

4) 我们可以用笨拙的英语交流,只要对方能理解就可以了。(We can communicate in clumsy English, as long as the other person can understand.)

5) 我们应该鼓励孩子们大胆地用英语表达自己,即使是笨拙的也没关系。(We should encourage children to express themselves in English boldly, even if it's clumsy.)

5. 同义词及用法:

- 笨手笨脚地说(clumsily say):强调说话时的动作或方式不够灵活,有些生硬。

- 拙劣地表达(awkwardly express):指表达的内容或方式不够熟练,缺乏自信。

- 等闲视之(casually speak):指轻松随意地说话,没有压力或紧张感。


6. 编辑总结:



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