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Meaning: A term used to describe something that is written or spoken in a way that follows the rules and conventions of the English language.


Pronunciation: /fəˈkɔː(r) ɪŋɡlɪʃ ˈhəʊ tuː raɪt/

Usage: This phrase is often used to emphasize the proper use of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and vocabulary in writing or speaking in English.

Example Sentences:

1. She always makes sure her emails are written in perfect English.


2. The teacher stressed the importance of writing in accordance with proper English.


3. As an editor, it is my job to ensure that all articles are written in accordance with proper English.


4. It is essential for international students to learn how to write in proper English before attending university.


5. The company requires all employees to communicate with clients using proper English.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Correct English - This phrase has a similar meaning, emphasizing the importance of following standard rules and conventions in writing or speaking in English.

2. Proper grammar - This term specifically refers to following the rules and structures of a language when writing or speaking.

3. Standard English - This phrase describes the accepted form of spoken and written English that is used in formal settings.

4. Formal language - This term refers to the use of proper grammar, vocabulary, and tone in writing or speaking in a professional or academic setting.

5. Fluent English - This phrase emphasizes the ability to speak and write in English with ease and accuracy.

Editor's Summary:

"Fitting English How-to-Write" is a phrase commonly used to stress the importance of following proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and vocabulary when writing or speaking in English. It is often used in educational and professional settings to emphasize the need for clear and accurate communication. Other similar phrases include "Correct English," "Proper Grammar," "Standard English," "Formal Language," and "Fluent English." As an editor, it is important to ensure that all written content adheres to proper English conventions for effective communication.


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