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kǎn zǔ cí

Meaning: To form a compound word by combining two or more individual words.


Pronunciation: /kɑːn/ /zuː/ /siː/

Usage: This term is commonly used in linguistics and language studies to describe the process of creating new words by combining existing ones.

Example 1: The word "snowball" is a compound word formed by combining the words "snow" and "ball".


Example 2: In Chinese, many compound words are formed by combining two characters to create a new meaning.


Example 3: The process of compounding allows for the creation of new words that may not exist in the language yet.


Example 4: Compound words can also help to convey complex concepts more efficiently.


Example 5: Some languages, such as German, are known for their frequent use of compound words.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Compound: This term can be used interchangeably with "compound word" and has the same meaning.


2. Portmanteau: This refers to a type of compound word that combines the sounds and meanings of two words, often in a humorous or creative way.


3. Blending: Similar to a portmanteau, this term describes the process of blending two words together to create a new one.


4. Compound noun: This is another term for a compound word, specifically referring to nouns.

同义词4:Compound noun(复合名词):这是一个指代复合词的另一个术语,特指名词。

5. Agglutination: This term is used in linguistics to describe the process of adding affixes or suffixes to a base word to create new words.


Editor's Summary:

The concept of compounding is an important aspect of language and allows for the creation of new words and meanings. By combining existing words, speakers and writers can express complex ideas more efficiently and creatively. This term is commonly used in linguistics and can also be referred to as a compound word, portmanteau, or blending. It is essential for language learners to understand the process of compounding in order to expand their vocabulary and improve their language skills.


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