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ji2 bo2 de5 yi4 si1


Meaning: Refers to something that is lacking or insufficient in quantity or quality.


瘠薄 is often used to describe a situation, condition, or resource that is inadequate or scarce. It can also be used to describe a person who is thin or weak due to lack of nutrition.

Example Sentences:

1. 这个地区的土地瘠薄,无法种植大量的农作物。

The land in this region is barren and cannot support large-scale farming.

2. 由于资金瘠薄,这个项目无法继续进行。

Due to insufficient funds, this project cannot continue.

3. 她经历了一段瘠薄的童年,但她从未放弃追求自己的梦想。

She had a tough childhood, but she never gave up on pursuing her dreams.

4. 这个的经济发展瘠薄,需要更多的外部支持。

The economic development of this country is poor and requires more external support.

5. 在这片瘠薄的土地上,居民们学会了节约和分享资源。

On this barren land, the residents have learned to be frugal and share resources.


1. 贫乏 (pin2 fa2) - scarce; lacking

2. 匮乏 (kui4 fa2) - deficient; inadequate

3. 不足 (bu4 zu2) - insufficient; not enough

Editor's Summary:

瘠薄 often carries a negative connotation and can refer to various things such as land, resources, or conditions. It can also be used to describe a person's physical appearance. Synonyms such as 贫乏 and 匮乏 can be used interchangeably in some contexts.


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