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Hù jiāng kǎo yán wǎng luò kè táng


Meaning: The online classroom for postgraduate entrance examination provided by Hujiang, a leading online education platform in China.


Pronunciation: [hoo-jyahng kow-yahn wahng loh kuh tahng]

Usage: As one of the most popular online education platforms in China, Hujiang offers a variety of courses and resources to help students prepare for the postgraduate entrance examination.

Example Sentences:

1. 我每天都会在沪江考研网络课堂上学习,希望能够顺利通过考试。

I study on Hujiang's online classroom for postgraduate entrance examination every day, hoping to pass the exam successfully.

2. 沪江考研网络课堂的老师非常专业,教学内容也很丰富,让我受益匪浅。

The teachers on Hujiang's online classroom for postgraduate entrance examination are very professional and the teaching materials are also very comprehensive, which has greatly benefited me.

Synonyms and Usage:

1. 沪江考研网校 (Hù jiāng kǎo yán wǎng xiào): This is another name for Hujiang's online classroom for postgraduate entrance examination.

2. 考研网课 (Kǎo yán wǎng kè): This term is often used to refer to any online course or class specifically designed for preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination.

Editor's Summary:

Hujiang is a well-known online education platform in China that provides various resources and courses to help students prepare for the postgraduate entrance examination. Its online classroom for postgraduate entrance examination, known as "沪江考研网络课堂", offers professional teachers and comprehensive teaching materials to assist students in their exam preparation. This platform is a popular choice among students due to its high-quality resources and effective teaching methods.


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