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bustop什么意思? bustop翻译(中文文):顶层 hellip

读音:[ˈbʌs tɒp]


bustop什么意思? bustop翻译(中文文):顶层 hellip

例句:1. The bus pulled up at the bus and the passengers rushed to get on. (公共汽车停在了公交站台,乘客们赶紧上车。)

2. The bus was crowded with people waiting for their buses. (公交站台上挤满了等待公交车的人。)

3. The new bus has a shelter to protect passengers from the rain. (新的公交站台有一个遮阳棚,可以保护乘客免受雨水的侵袭。)

4. The bus driver sped at the wrong bus and had to turn around to get back on route. (公交车司机在错误的站台停下来,不得不掉头回到正确路线上。)

5. I always sit at the front of the bus near the bus so I can get off quickly when it's my s. (我总是坐在公交车前面靠近站台的位置,这样我下车时就可以很快下来。)

同义词及用法:bus station, bus stand, coach s, transport hub等都可以用来指代bus。



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