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1. triplet是指三个相同或相似的事物,通常用作名词。:He has a triplet of brothers.

2. triplet的用法是指将三个相同或相似的事物放在一起,形成一个整体。:The three sisters are a perfect triplet.

3. triplet的例句:

例句1: The triplets were all born on the same day, but they each have their own unique personality.

例句2: The three colors in this painting form a beautiful triplet that catches the eye.

例句3: The triplets always wore matching outfits, making it hard to tell them apart.

例句4: The band's latest album features a triplet of songs that are sure to be hits.

例句5: The scientist discovered a rare triplet of stars in the night sky.

4. triplet的用法和例句组词:

- Triplet brother/sister:三胞胎兄弟/姐妹

- Triplet birth:三胞胎出生

- Triplet formation:三重结构

- Triplet codon:三联密码子

- Musical triplet:音乐三连音

5. triplet是什么意思,triplet的用法和例句的中英文对照:

中文:1. 三个相同或相似的事物;2. 将三个相同或相似的事物放在一起;3. 三重结构;4. 三联密码子;5. 音乐三连音

英文:1. Three things that are the same or similar; 2. Putting three things that are the same or similar together; 3. Triple structure; 4. Triplet codon; 5. Musical triplet

6. 总结:triplet是一个名词,指三个相同或相似的事物,也可以用作形容词来形容三重的结构。它的用法是将三个事物放在一起,形成一个整体。例句中可以看出,triplet常常用来描述生物学、音乐、艺术等领域中的三重结构。通过这样的词汇编辑,我们可以更加深入地理解和运用这个词汇,丰富自己的表达方式。


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