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The meaning of "梦寐以求用英语怎么说" is to eagerly desire to know how to say something in English.


Pronunciation: /mèng mèi yǐ qiú yòng yīng yǔ zěn me shuō/



"梦寐以求用英语怎么说" is a commonly used phrase in Chinese, which expresses the strong desire and determination to learn how to say something in English. It can be used in both formal and informal situations.


1. 我已经梦寐以求用英语怎么说这个词了,终于在词典中找到了它的正确发音。

I have been eagerly desiring to know how to say this word in English, and finally found its correct pronunciation in the dictionary.

2. 她每天都在努力学习,因为她梦寐以求用英语表达自己的想法。

She studies hard every day because she eagerly desires to express her thoughts in English.

3. 他对于如何正确使用这个单词梦寐以求,因此花了很多时间来学习。

He eagerly desired to know how to use this word correctly, so he spent a lot of time learning it.

4. 这本书是我多年来梦寐以求的,终于在网上找到了。

This book is something I have been eagerly desiring for years, and finally found it online.

5. 对于学习英语,我梦寐以求的目标是能够流利地和外国人交流。

My goal for learning English is to be able to communicate fluently with foreigners, which I have been eagerly desiring.


1. 渴望知道英语怎么说:eager to know how to say something in English

2. 强烈渴望学习英语:strongly desire to learn English

3. 热切希望说英语:ardently hope to speak English




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