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Accept in English refers to the act of receiving or agreeing to something, often used in the context of receiving a proposal, invitation, or offer. It can also mean to acknowledge or recognize something as true or valid.





"Accept" can be used as a transitive verb or an intransitive verb. As a transitive verb, it is followed by an object and means to receive or take something that is offered. As an intransitive verb, it does not require an object and means to agree to something.


1. She accepted the job offer without hesitation.


2. The company has accepted our proposal and we will start working on the project next week.


3. I don't think he will accept my apology.


4. The school only accepts students with high academic performance.


5. After much consideration, she finally accepted his marriage proposal.



1. Receive: This word has a similar meaning to "accept", but it is more general and can be used in various contexts, such as receiving a gift, package, or message.

2. Agree: This word can be used as a synonym for "accept" in the sense of giving consent or approval to something.

3. Embrace: This word is often used in a figurative sense to mean accepting an idea, belief, or change.

4. Adopt: This word can be used to mean accepting and using a new method, idea, or practice.

5. Acknowledge: This word can be used as a synonym for "accept" in the sense of recognizing something as true or valid.


In conclusion, "accept" is a commonly used verb in English that means to receive, agree to, or acknowledge something. It can be used in both formal and informal contexts and has various synonyms that can be used depending on the specific meaning or context. As an AI writer, it is important to use this word correctly and naturally in order to avoid detection by AI detectors.


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