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1. wellreceived是什么意思?的解释:


2. wellreceived是什么意思?读音读法:

wellreceived的读音为/wel rɪ'sivd/,其中wel读作/wel/,rɪ读作/rɪ/,'sivd读作/sivd/。在英语中,重音通常落在第一个音节上。

3. wellreceived是什么意思?的用例:

例句1:The new product was well received by the market and quickly became a bestseller.


例句2:The movie was well received by the audience and received high praise from critics.


例句3:The company's new policy was not well received by its employees, causing dissatisfaction among them.


例句4:The concert was well received by the audience, with many people giving standing ovations at the end.


例句5:The book was well received by readers and received numerous positive reviews on social media.


4. wellreceived是什么意思?组词:

wellreceived可以作为一个形容词,也可以作为一个副词使用。在句子中常与动词be搭配,构成well received的形式。除此之外,还可以衍生出以下词组:

- well-received: 受到欢迎的、受到好评的

- well-receivedness: 受欢迎程度、受好评程度

- well-receiving: 接待、接纳

- well-receiver: 接待者、接纳者

5. wellreceived是什么意思?的中英文对照:

wellreceived - 受欢迎的、受好评的

读音:/wel rɪ'sivd/


1. The new product was well received by the market and quickly became a bestseller.


2. The movie was well received by the audience and received high praise from critics.


3. The company's new policy was not well received by its employees, causing dissatisfaction among them.


4. The concert was well received by the audience, with many people giving standing ovations at the end.


5. The book was well received by readers and received numerous positive reviews on social media.




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