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The meaning of "指标用英语怎么说" is how to say "指标" in English.


The pronunciation of "指标" is [zhǐ biāo].


"指标" is a noun that refers to a standard or criterion used for evaluation, measurement, or comparison. It can also refer to a sign or indicator that shows the state or progress of something.


1. 这个指标可以衡量公司的经营状况。

This indicator can measure the company's performance.

2. 我们需要制定明确的指标来评估学生的学习成果。

We need to establish clear benchmarks to evaluate students' learning outcomes.

3. 通货膨胀率是衡量一个经济发展水平的重要指标。

The inflation rate is an important indicator of a country's economic development.

4. 这个仪表盘上显示了各项关键指标的实时数据。

The dashboard displays real-time data of key indicators.

5. 健康是幸福生活的重要指标之一。

Health is one of the important indicators for a happy life.


- 指数 (zhǐ shù): index; index number; coefficient; power

- 经济增长指数 (jīng jì zēng zhǎng zhǐ shù): economic growth index

- 消费者物价指数 (xiāo fèi zhě wù jià zhǐ shù): consumer price index

- 标准 (biāo zhǔn): standard; norm; criterion

- 国际标准 (guó jì biāo zhǔn): international standard

- 行业标准 (háng yè biāo zhǔn): industry standard

- 指导性指标 (zhǐ dǎo xìng zhǐ biāo): leading indicator; guiding indicator

- 这些指导性指标可以帮助我们预测市场。

These leading indicators can help us predict market trends.




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