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Write a Dictionary Entry


Meaning: To write a word or sentence in another language for translation or explanation.

Pronunciation: /raɪt ə ˈdɪkʃənri ˈɛntri/

Usage: This phrase is commonly used in the context of translating words or sentences from one language to another. It can also refer to writing a definition or explanation of a word in a dictionary.

Example Sentences:

1. I need someone to help me write this dictionary entry for the word "love" in Spanish.


2. The dictionary entry for "happiness" includes its definition, pronunciation, and usage examples.


3. As an editor, my job is to write clear and concise dictionary entries for new words.


4. Can you please write the dictionary entry for this phrase? I'm not sure how to explain it.


5. Before submitting your paper, make sure to check the dictionary entries for any foreign words you have used.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Translate - To express the meaning of something in another language.

2. Define - To give the meaning or explanation of a word or phrase.

3. Explain - To make something clear or understandable by describing it in more detail.

4. Interpret - To explain the meaning of something, especially when it is unclear or ambiguous.

5. Transcribe - To write or type out a spoken or written text in another language.

Editor's Summary:

"Write a Dictionary Entry" refers to the act of writing a word or sentence in another language for translation or explanation. It is commonly used in the context of translating words from one language to another, but can also refer to writing definitions for words in a dictionary. Synonyms for this phrase include "translate," "define," and "explain." As an editor, it is important to write clear and concise dictionary entries for new words, ensuring that readers can easily understand the meaning and usage of the word.


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