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How to Write in Parentheses

Meaning: Parentheses are punctuation marks used to enclose additional information or non-essential elements within a sentence.


Pronunciation: /pəˈrenθəsiz/

Usage: Parentheses are used to add extra information or clarification to a sentence without disrupting the main flow of the sentence. They can also be used to indicate an interruption in thought or a change in tone.

Example Sentences:

1. (Please) remember to bring your passport when you travel abroad. (请记得出国旅行时带上你的。)

2. The concert tickets were sold out, so we decided to go see a movie instead. (演唱会门票已售罄,所以我们决定去看电影。)

3. The new restaurant in town has received rave reviews (and it's not hard to see why). (镇上的新餐厅收到了极高的评价(而且很容易明白为什么)。)

4. My favorite color is blue (although I do like green as well). (我最喜欢的颜色是蓝色(尽管我也喜欢绿色)。)

5. She has been studying for her exams all week (with little success, unfortunately). (她整个星期都在为考试而学习(可惜成绩并不理想)。)

Synonyms and Usage: Parentheses can also be indicated by using dashes (-) or commas (,) but they serve different purposes and have different effects on the sentence. Dashes draw more attention and indicate more emphasis, while commas are more subtle and used for less important information.

Editor's Summary: Parentheses are useful tools for adding extra information or clarifying a sentence without disrupting the main flow. However, they should be used sparingly and only when necessary to avoid confusion for the reader.


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