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Meaning: How to write parentheses in English

Pronunciation: /pəˈrɛnθəsiz/

Usage: Parentheses, also known as round brackets, are punctuation marks used to enclose additional information within a sentence. They are used to indicate that the enclosed content is less important or not essential to the meaning of the sentence.


Example Sentences:

1. The information inside the parentheses can be skipped if you want to focus on the main idea of the sentence. (括号中的信息可以跳过,如果你想专注于句子的主要内容。)

2. The use of parentheses can help clarify confusing or complex sentences. (使用括号可以帮助澄清混乱或复杂的句子。)

3. Please refer to the instructions in parentheses for further details. (请参考括号中的说明以获取更多细节。)

4. The information inside these parentheses is crucial for understanding the context of the article. (括号中的信息对于理解文章的背景至关重要。)

5. I always use parentheses when writing mathematical equations to indicate order of operations. (我在写数学方程式时总是使用括号来表示运算顺序。)

Synonyms and Usage:

1. Brackets - These are another name for parentheses and can be used interchangeably.

2. Parenthetical marks - This term refers to any type of punctuation mark used to enclose additional information in a sentence, including parentheses.

3. Round brackets - This term is often used in British English and refers specifically to parentheses that are round in shape.

4. Parenthesis - This term can refer to either a single set of parentheses or a pair of them.

5. Braces - These are another type of punctuation mark that can be used to enclose additional information, but they are not interchangeable with parentheses.

Editor's Summary:

Parentheses are an important punctuation mark in the English language, used to enclose additional information within a sentence. They can help clarify confusing or complex sentences and indicate that the enclosed content is not essential to the meaning of the sentence. Other terms for parentheses include brackets, parenthetical marks, round brackets, and braces. It is important to use parentheses correctly in writing to ensure clear communication with readers.


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