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the fray是什么意思?the fray的用法及例句

1. the fray是指战斗、或争吵。它可以用作名词或动词,表示参加战斗或争吵的行为。:The soldiers were exhausted after days of fighting in the fray.(士们在连续几天的战斗后筋疲力尽。)

2. 读音:[freɪ],注意发音时“a”发长音。

3. 用例:

(1)He jumped into the fray and started swinging his fists at anyone who came near him.(他跳入战斗中,开始挥舞拳头打击任何靠近他的人。)

(2)The politician tried to stay out of the fray, but eventually got dragged into it by his opponents.(这位政客试图远离争吵,但最终被对手拖了进去。)

(3)The children were playing peacefully until one of them accidentally knocked over a vase and all hell broke loose in the fray that followed.(孩子们正在和平地玩耍,直到其中一个不小心打翻了花瓶,在随后的争吵中一切都乱套了。)

(4)The company was struggling to stay afloat in the increasingly competitive market, but decided to join the fray and launch a new product line.(这家公司在竞争日益激烈的市场上苦苦挣扎,但决定加入竞争,推出新的产品线。)

(5)The two brothers were always at odds with each other, but they put aside their differences and united when their family was in the fray.(这两个兄弟总是互相对立,但当家里陷入争吵时,他们放下分歧团结一致。)

4. 组词:

out of the fray(远离争吵、战斗)

join the fray(加入争吵、战斗)

enter the fray(参加争吵、战斗)

in the fray(在争吵、战斗中)

fray of life(生活的纷扰)

5. 中英文对照:

中文:the fray是指战斗、或争吵。

英文:the fray refers to fighting, conflict or argument.


英文:It can be used as a noun or verb, indicating the act of participating in a fight or argument.

中文:He jumped into the fray and started swinging his fists at anyone who came near him.


中文:The politician tried to stay out of the fray, but eventually got dragged into it by his opponents.


中文:The company was struggling to stay afloat in the increasingly competitive market, but decided to join the fray and launch a new product line.


中文:out of the fray(远离争吵、战斗)

英文:out of the fray

中文:join the fray(加入争吵、战斗)

英文:join the fray

中文:enter the fray(参加争吵、战斗)

英文:enter the fray

中文:in the fray(在争吵、战斗中)

英文:in the fray

中文:fray of life(生活的纷扰)

英文:fray of life

6. 总结:

the fray是一个多义词,可以用作名词或动词。作为名词时,它指代战斗、或争吵;作为动词时,它表示参加战斗或争吵的行为。其读音为[freɪ],注意发音时“a”发长音。the fray常常和一些介词搭配使用,如out of/into/join/enter/in等。它可以用来描述现实生活中的各种情况,如斗争、家庭纠纷、商业竞争等。通过对the fray的解释、例句和组词,我们可以更加深入地理解这个词的含义和用法。


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