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1. Flattery是指用虚假或夸大的话来奉承或讨好他人的行为。在英文中,flattery可以被翻译为“praise”、“compliment”、“adulation”等词语。

2. Flattery的读音为[ˈflætəri],重音在第二个音节。

3. Flattery的用例:

- She saw through his flattery and didn't fall for it.

- He used flattery to get the promotion he wanted.

- The politician was known for his smooth flattery of his constituents.

- Her flattery towards her boss was obvious and insincere.

- He couldn't resist the flattery of the beautiful woman.

4. 组词:flatterer (奉承者), flattering (奉承的), flatteringly (奉承地), self-flattery (自我吹捧)

5. Flattery的中英文对照:

- 中文:谄媚,阿谀

- 英文:flattery



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