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1. 微薄 (wēi bó)

Meaning: thin and weak; feeble; frail

Usage: This word is often used to describe something that is physically weak or lacking in strength.


Example sentence:


英文:Her body is very feeble and needs extra care.

Synonyms: 瘦弱 (shòu ruò), 虚弱 (xū ruò)

Editor's note: 微薄 can also be used to describe something that is small in amount or insignificant.

2. 贫微 (pín wēi)

Meaning: poor and humble

Usage: This word is often used to describe someone who comes from a low social status or has a humble background.

Example sentence:


英文:He came from a humble background, but through his own efforts, he achieved success.

Synonyms: 卑微 (bēi wēi), 卑贫 (bēi pín)

3. 薄弱 (bó ruò)

Meaning: weak; fragile; vulnerable

Usage: This word is often used to describe something that lacks strength or stability.

Example sentence:


英文:The financial situation of this company is very weak and requires immediate action.

Synonyms: 虚弱 (xū ruò), 不稳固 (bù wěn gù)

4. 微小(wēi xiǎo)

Meaning: small; tiny; minute

Usage: This word is often used to describe something that is very small in size or amount.

Example sentence:


英文:This puppy's tail is very tiny, but it's still very cute.

Synonyms: 极小 (jí xiǎo), 微量 (wēi liàng)

5. 微不足道 (wēi bù zú dào)

Meaning: insignificant; trivial

Usage: This phrase is often used to describe something that is not worth mentioning or has little impact.

Example sentence:


英文:His suggestion is insignificant for this project.

Synonyms: 不重要 (bù zhòng yào), 无关紧要 (wú guān jǐn yào)

Editor's summary:

In summary, there are different ways to express the meaning of "微薄" in English, depending on the context. Some possible translations include "feeble," "humble," "weak," "tiny," and "insignificant." It's important to pay attention to the usage and context of each word or phrase, as they may have different connotations.


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