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微的英语翻译为 "micro",读作 /ˈmaɪkroʊ/。

微的英语翻译 微用英语怎么说


1. 作为形容词,表示 "非常小的" 或 "微小的",常用于描述数量或规模。:

- Microscopic organisms can only be seen under a microscope. (只有在显微镜下才能看到微生物。)

- The company's profits have increased by a micro percentage. (公司的利润增长了一个微小的百分比。)

2. 作为名词,表示 "微小单位" 或 "极小量"。:

- The micro in front of the number indicates that it is a very small unit of measurement. (数字前面的 micro 表示它是一个非常小的计量单位。)

- A micro of doubt can ruin even the strongest relationship. (一丝怀疑就可以毁掉最牢固的关系。)


1. She used a microscope to observe the micro world.


2. This new technology allows us to see things at a micro level.


3. The company has been facing financial difficulties due to a micro economy.


4. A single drop of this medicine contains millions of micro organisms.


5. The tiny micro chips are the key components of modern electronic devices.



1. Miniature - 作为形容词,也表示 "小型的" 或 "微小的",但更强调比原本大小要小很多。:

- She collects miniature versions of famous landmarks from around the world. (她收集世界各地著名地标的微型版本。)

- The toy car is a miniature replica of a real car. (这辆玩具车是真实汽车的缩小复制品。)

2. Tiny - 作为形容词,也表示 "非常小的" 或 "微小的",但更强调尺寸极小。:

- The tiny insect crawled up her arm. (微小的昆虫爬上了她的手臂。)

- He has a tiny scar on his forehead from when he fell off his bike as a child. (他额头上有一道小时候从自行车上摔下来留下的微小伤疤。)


"Micro" 是一个常用词汇,在日常生活中经常会遇到,它可以用来描述数量、规模、单位或量级等概念。同时,它还可以作为名词来表示极小量或单位,或者作为形容词来描述非常小或微小的事物。在写作时,可以根据具体语境选择合适的同义词来替换,以丰富文笔。最后,要注意使用正确的发音和拼写,避免产生歧义。


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