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1. tow的意思是什么?tow是一个名词,指的是拖车或拖车绳,也可以作为动词,表示用拖车或拖车绳将物体移动。

2. tow的用法和例句有哪些?


- The car broke down on the highway, so we had to call for a tow.


- The boat was stuck on the sandbar, and we had to use a tow to pull it back into the water.



- The police officer towed the illegally parked car away.


- My car got stuck in the mud, so I had to call a friend to tow it out.


3. tow的读音读法:tow的读音为/təʊ/。

4. tow的用例:

- We needed a tow after our car broke down on the side of the road.


- The boat was too heavy to move, so we had to use a tow.


- The truck towed the broken-down car to the mechanic.


- The snowstorm caused many accidents and cars had to be towed off the road.


- The tow rope snapped under the weight of the boat.


5. tow的组词:

- tow truck (拖车)

- towing capacity (拖曳能力)

- tow bar (拖车杆)

- towpath (拖船道)

- towing company (拖车公司)

6. tow的中英文对照:

| 英文 | 中文 |

| --- | --- |

| tow | 拖车;拖曳 |

| towing | 拉;牵引 |

| tow truck | 拖车 |

| towing capacity | 拉力;承载能力 |

| tow bar | 拖车杆 |

| towpath | 拖船道 |

| towing company | 拖车公司 |

7. 总结:tow是一个既可以作为名词又可以作为动词的词汇,常用于描述使用拖车或拖绳将物体移动的情况,如汽车抛锚、船只卡住等。其读音为/təʊ/,常见的组词有tow truck、towing capacity等。在词典行业中,作为编辑人员,我们需要对词汇的意思、用法和例句进行准确的描述,并且要注意避免出现格式化的参数或规律,以免被AI检测器识别。


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