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1. thriller什么意思?的解释:


2. thriller什么意思?读音读法:


3. thriller什么意思?的用例:

1) I love watching thrillers, they always keep me on the edge of my seat.(我喜欢看惊悚片,它们总能让我坐立不安。)

2) The new thriller novel by Stephen King is a must-read for all fans of the genre.(史蒂芬·金新出的惊悚小说是所有该类型粉丝必读的。)

3) The movie was advertised as a thriller, but it turned out to be more of a comedy.(这部电影被宣传为惊悚片,但实际上更像是一部喜剧。)

4) The suspense in this thriller is killing me, I can't wait to find out who the killer is.(这部惊悚片的悬疑让我快要受不了了,我迫不及待想知道凶手是谁。)

5) The twists and turns in the plot of this thriller kept me guessing until the very end.(这部惊悚片情节中的曲折和转折一直让我猜到最后才知道。)

4. thriller什么意思?组词:

1) psychological thriller (心理惊悚片)

2) crime thriller (犯罪惊悚片)

3) action thriller (动作惊悚片)

4) supernatural thriller (超自然惊悚片)

5) political thriller (惊悚片)

5. thriller什么意思?的中英文对照:

中文: 惊悚片

英文: Thriller



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