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1. third是指“第三”的意思,常用于表示顺序中的第三个。

2. third作为形容词时,可以表示“第三的”,:the third floor(第三层);the third time(第三次)。

3. third作为名词时,可以表示“第三”,:She came in third in the race(她在比赛中获得了第三名);He is the third child in the family(他是家里的第三个孩子)。

4. 除了表示顺序外,third还可以表示“一部分”或“一份”。:a third of the population(人口的三分之一);two thirds of the cake(蛋糕的三分之二)。

5. 在英语中,third也可以用来表示“另外一个”或“其他的”。:I have two brothers, but I also have a third sibling who is adopted(我有两个兄弟,但我还有一个被收养的兄弟)。


1. 第一个字母t发/t/音,发音位置在舌尖和上齿之间。

2. 第二个字母h发/h/音,发音位置在喉咙处。

3. 第三个字母i发/ɜː/音,发音位置在舌尖稍微向前伸出,并将嘴唇稍稍张开。

4. 第四个字母r发/r/音,发音位置在舌尖向上卷起。

5. 第五个字母d发/d/音,发音位置在舌尖和上齿之间。


1. He finished third in the race, just behind his two rivals.


2. One third of the students in the class are from foreign countries.


3. The company's profits have increased by a third since last year.


4. The book is divided into three parts, with the third part being the most interesting.


5. I have two sisters and a brother, so I am the third child in my family.



1. third-class (第三等级的)

2. third-generation (第三代的)

3. third-party (第三方的)

4. third-rate (低劣的)

5. Third World (第三世界)


1. He finished third in the race, just behind his two rivals.


2. One third of the students in the class are from foreign countries.


3. The company's profits have increased by a third since last year.


4. The book is divided into three parts, with the third part being the most interesting.


5. I have two sisters and a brother, so I am the third child in my family.



1. 第一个字母t发/t/音,发音位置在舌尖和上齿之间。

2. 第二个字母h发/h/音,发音位置在喉咙处。

3. 第三个字母i发/ɜː/音,发音位置在舌尖稍微向前伸出,并将嘴唇稍稍张开。

4. 第四个字母r发/r/音,发音位置在舌尖向上卷起。

5. 第五个字母d发/d/音,发音位置在舌尖和上齿之间。



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