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1. tease是指取笑,逗弄或者戏弄某人的行为。:He likes to tease his little sister by hiding her toys.(他喜欢通过藏她的玩具来取笑他的妹妹。)

2. tease也可以表示挑逗,引诱或者勾引某人。:She teased him with her seductive dance moves.(她用她性感的舞姿来勾引他。)

3. tease还可以指剌激,惹恼或者挑衅某人。:Don't tease the dog, he might bite you.(不要惹恼狗,它可能会咬你。)



1. 例句中的tease在英文中是一个动词,在美式英语中也可以作名词使用。

2. 在动词形式中,tease的过去式和过去分词形式都是teased。

3. 在名词形式中,tease通常指一个爱开玩笑或者爱挑逗别人的人。


1. She loves to tease her friends by pretending to forget their birthdays.


2. The children were teasing the cat with a laser pointer.


3. He was constantly teased by his classmates for being the shortest in the class.


4. The comedian's jokes were designed to tease and provoke the audience.


5. She couldn't resist teasing her brother about his new haircut.



1. teaser:n. 挑逗者,引人注意的东西

2. teasingly:adv. 戏弄地,挑逗地

3. unteased:adj. 未受挑逗的,未受戏弄的

4. teasesome:adj. 爱戏弄的,爱取笑的

5. teasy:adj. 令人不舒服的,惹人厌烦的


1. tease: v./n. 取笑,戏弄

2. hide: v./n 隐藏,躲藏

3. seductive: adj. 勾引人的,诱惑性的

4. dance moves: 舞步

5. provoke: v. 激怒,惹恼

6. bite: v./n. 咬,咬伤

7. pretend: v. 假装,佯装

8. constantly: adv. 经常地,不断地

9. comedian: n. 喜剧演员

10. resist: v. 抵抗,忍住



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