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1. threat是指一种可能造成伤害、危害或损失的事物或情况。同义词有:danger, risk, peril, hazard, menace, jeopardy等。

2. 发音:[θret],读作/thret/。

3. 用例:

(1) The threat of a hurricane forced the residents to evacuate.


(2) The company received a bomb threat and had to shut down for the day.


(3) The rising sea levels are a major threat to coastal communities.


(4) The government issued a warning about the potential threat of a terrorist attack.


(5) Cyber threats have become increasingly common in today's digital age.


4. 组词:death threat (死亡威胁), nuclear threat (核威胁), economic threat (经济威胁), security threat (安全威胁), environmental threat (环境威胁).

5. 中英文对照:

threat - 威胁

danger - 危险

risk - 风险

peril - 危险

hazard - 危险

menace - 威胁

jeopardy - 危险


6. 总结:

threat是指一种可能造成伤害、危害或损失的事物或情况,同义词有danger, risk, peril, hazard, menace, jeopardy等。发音为[θret],读作/thret/。常见用例有关于自然灾害、恐怖袭击、环境问题等。常见的组词有death threat (死亡威胁), nuclear threat (核威胁), economic threat (经济威胁), security threat (安全威胁), environmental threat (环境威胁)等。


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