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1. 咛组词的意思:咛组词是指将两个或多个单词组合在一起,形成一个新的词语,具有独特的含义和用法。


2. 怎么读(音标):nɪmˈbʊs wɜːd

3. 用法:咛组词是英语中常见的一种构词方式,可以扩大词汇量,丰富表达方式。它可以通过结合不同的单词来创造出新的含义,并且通常具有更强的表现力和想象力。

4. 例句1-5句且中英对照:

1) The word "brunch" is a nimbus word formed by combining "breakfast" and "lunch".(“早午餐”这个单词是由“早餐”和“午餐”两个单词组合而成的咛组词。)

2) "Staycation" is a nimbus word that refers to taking a vacation at home instead of traveling.(“居家度假”是一个指代在家休假而不是出行的咛组词。)

3) The term "infotainment" is a nimbus word that combines "information" and "entertainment".(“资讯娱乐”这个术语是由“信息”和“娱乐”两个单词组合而成的咛组词。)

4) "Glamping" is a nimbus word that combines "glamorous" and "camping".(“豪华露营”是由“迷人的”和“露营”两个单词组合而成的咛组词。)

5) The term "staycation" has become a popular nimbus word during the pandemic.(在期间,“居家度假”这个术语已经成为一个流行的咛组词。)

5. 同义词及用法:

- Compound words: These are words formed by combining two or more separate words, such as "lighthouse" and "basketball".(复合词:这些是由两个或多个单独的单词组合而成的词语,“灯塔”和“篮球”。)

- Portmanteau: This refers to a word created by blending two or more words together, such as "smog" (smoke + fog) and "brunch" (breakfast + lunch).(混成词:指由两个或多个单词混合而成的新词,“烟雾”(smoke + fog)和“早午餐”(breakfast + lunch)。)

- Hybrid words: These are words created by combining elements from different languages, such as "spanglish" (Spanish + English) and "franglais" (French + English).(混合词:这些是由不同语言元素组合而成的单词,“西班牙英语”(Spanish + English)和“法式英语”(French + English)。)

6. 编辑总结:咛组词是一种创造新词的有趣方式,它可以帮助我们表达更加精准和丰富的意思。通过将不同单词组合在一起,我们可以创造出具有独特含义的新词,并且这些新词通常更容易被人们接受和记忆。因此,在学习英语时,我们可以尝试运用咛组词来丰富自己的表达能力。


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