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The meaning of "吃苦耐劳" in English is "to endure hardship and work hard".



The pronunciation of "吃苦耐劳" is [chī kǔ nài láo].


"吃苦耐劳" is a Chinese idiom that describes someone who is able to endure hardships and work hard without complaining. It is often used to praise someone's strong work ethic and determination.


1. 她是一个非常吃苦耐劳的人,从不抱怨任何困难。

She is a very hardworking person who never complains about any difficulties.

2. 在这个竞争激烈的社会,只有吃苦耐劳才能取得成功。

In this highly competitive society, only by enduring hardships and working hard can one achieve success.

3. 我父亲是一个农民,他我要有吃苦耐劳的。

My father is a farmer, he taught me to have the spirit of enduring hardships and working hard.

4. 同事们都很佩服他的吃苦耐劳,他总是能完成最艰巨的任务。

His colleagues admire his spirit of enduring hardships and working hard, he always manages to complete the most difficult tasks.

5. 她从小就被教导要有吃苦耐劳的品质,现在她已经成为一名成功的企业家。

She was taught from a young age to have the quality of enduring hardships and working hard, and now she has become a successful entrepreneur.


1. 坚韧不拔 (jiān rèn bù bá) - to be tenacious/persevering

2. 勤勉 (qín miǎn) - diligent/hardworking

3. 奋斗 (fèn dòu) - struggle/fight hard

4. 不屈不挠 (bù qū bù náo) - to be unyielding/unwavering

5. 艰苦奋斗 (jiān kǔ fèn dòu) - to struggle hard in adversity


"吃苦耐劳" is a Chinese idiom that describes someone who is able to endure hardships and work hard without complaining. It is often used to praise someone's strong work ethic and determination. Other similar phrases include "坚韧不拔", "勤勉", "奋斗", "不屈不挠", and "艰苦奋斗". Remember, hard work and perseverance are key qualities for success in life.


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