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二:怎么读(音标):chōng cì



1. The athlete made a final sprint towards the finish line. 运动员向终点线进行最后的冲刺。


2. The company is making a sprint to meet the deadline. 公司正在加紧冲刺以满足截止日期。

3. The students were in a sprint to finish their exam before time ran out. 学生们在考试时间快结束之前进行了最后的冲刺。

4. The cheetah can reach speeds of up to 70 miles per hour during a sprint. 猎豹在冲刺时可以达到每小时70英里的速度。

5. He took a deep breath and prepared for the final sprint of the race. 他深吸一口气,准备进行比赛的最后一次冲刺。


1. Dash (v.) - to run or move quickly and suddenly, often for a short distance.

例句:She dashed across the street to catch the bus.

2. Rush (v.) - to move or do something with great speed or urgency.

例句:We need to rush if we want to make it to the concert on time.

3. Bolt (v.) - to run extremely fast, often in a sudden or uncontrolled way.

例句:The horse bolted out of the gate and took an early lead.

4. Gallop (v.) - to run quickly and with long strides, like a horse.

例句:The children galloped across the field, chasing after each other.

5. Charge (v.) - to move quickly and forcefully towards someone or something.

例句:The soldiers charged towards the enemy's camp.




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