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the expose怎么读?the expose是什么意思

1. the expose怎么读?

the expose的读音为/ðə ɪkˈspoʊz/。

2. the expose怎么读?the expose是什么意思

the expose是指揭露、披露或曝光某件事物或人物的或秘密。它可以作为名词,也可以作为动词使用。

3. the expose怎么读?the expose是什么意思的用例

1) The newspaper published an expose on the corrupt practices of the company's CEO.


2) The documentary film was an eye-opening expose of the government's cover-up of environmental issues.


3) The journalist received threats after her expose on the illegal activities of a powerful politician.


4) The book is a shocking expose of the dark side of Hollywood.


5) The whistleblower's expose led to an investigation into the company's unethical business practices.


4. the expose怎么读?the expose是什么意思组词

- exposure (n.) 暴露,曝光

- exposé (n.) 披露,揭露

- exposed (adj.) 暴露的,裸露的

- expositor (n.) 解说者,讲解员

- exposition (n.) 阐述,展览会

5. the expose怎么读?the expose是什么意思的中英文对照

the expose - 揭露、披露、曝光

the expose是一种勇敢的行为,它揭露了,追求公正。它可以通过媒体报道、调查和丑闻的爆料来实现。the expose在社会舆论和舆论监督中扮演着重要的角色,让我们能够更加清晰地认识事物的。它也展现了人们追求公平和正义的,让社会变得更加美好。因此,我们应该欢迎the expose,并支持那些敢于挑战权威、勇于揭露的人们。


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