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Meaning: How to say in simple English


Pronunciation: /haʊ tə seɪ ɪn ˈsɪmpəl ˈɪŋglɪʃ/

Usage: This phrase is used to ask for a simpler or more basic explanation or translation of something.

Example Sentences:

1. Can you please explain it in simple English? I'm having a hard time understanding the technical terms.


2. The instructions are too complicated, can you tell me how to do it in simple English?


3. I need to translate this document into simple English for our non-native employees.


4. My grandmother doesn't understand any other language, so I have to explain everything in simple English.


5. The teacher asked the students to summarize the article in simple English.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. In easy words - used when asking for a simplified explanation or translation.

2. In plain English - used when asking for a clear and straightforward explanation or translation.

3. In layman's terms - used when asking for an explanation that is easy for non-experts to understand.

4. In basic language - used when asking for an explanation or translation in simple and uncomplicated language.

5. In simplified English - used when asking for a translation into a simpler version of the English language.

Editor's Summary:

When encountering complex or technical language, it is common to ask for a simpler explanation or translation. This phrase is used to express that need in a polite and direct manner. It can be used in various contexts, such as when communicating with non-native speakers, explaining something to someone who may not have the same level of understanding, or even when summarizing information in a more accessible way. Other phrases with similar meanings can also be used interchangeably.


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