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wearing什么意思? wearing翻译(中文文):穿用的, 使疲惫



wearing什么意思? wearing翻译(中文文):穿用的, 使疲惫


1. The dress she was wearing was very elegant. 她穿的那件连衣裙非常优雅。

2. I find this hat quite wearing after wearing it for a long time. 我戴这顶帽子时间长了会感到很累。

3. He's always wearing a smile on his face, no matter what happens. 无论发生什么事情,他总是脸上带着笑容。

4. She was wearing a beautiful necklace at the party last night. 昨晚的派对上她戴着一条漂亮的项链。

5. The constant noise from the construction site is really wearing on my nerves. 那个建筑工地不断传来的噪音真让我心烦意乱。


1. clothing: 指一般的服装,包括衣服、鞋子、帽子等。:She has a lot of clothing in her closet.

2. attire: 指正式、庄重的服装。:The guests were all dressed in formal attire.

3. fatigue: 指身体或上的疲劳。:I could see the fatigue on her face after a long day at work.

4. exhausting: 指使人非常疲劳的活动或任务。:The hike was exhausting, but it was worth it for the beautiful view.

5. tiresome: 指令人厌烦、乏味的事物。:I find small talk with strangers quite tiresome.




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