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weariness是什么意思? weariness翻译(中文文):疲倦, 厌


weariness是什么意思? weariness翻译(中文文):疲倦, 厌


例句1:After a long day of work, she felt a sense of weariness wash over her.


例句2:The constant noise from the construction site added to his weariness.


例句3:I could see the weariness in her eyes as she struggled to stay awake during the meeting.


例句4:The long journey had left him with a feeling of weariness and exhaustion.


例句5:Her constant complaints about work were a sign of her weariness with her job.


同义词及用法:fatigue (n.) 疲劳,exhaustion (n.) 筋疲力尽,tiredness (n.) 疲劳,boredom (n.) 厌倦



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