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twitch什么意思? twitch翻译(中文文):骤然一抽, 攫取,





1. 作为动词,twitch通常用来描述突然而强烈的抽动或颤动。:

twitch什么意思? twitch翻译(中文文):骤然一抽, 攫取,

- The bird's feathers twitched as it tried to escape from the cat.


- She couldn't help but twitch her leg nervously during the interview.


2. 作为名词,twitch可以指代一种突然而强烈的抽搐或颤动。:

- He felt a slight twitch in his eye when he was under stress.


- The doctor noticed a twitch in the patient's hand and suspected it could be a symptom of Parkinson's disease.



1. The muscles in his face twitched as he tried to hold back his tears.


2. The dog's tail twitched with excitement when its owner came home.


3. She couldn't s the twitch in her hand when she was nervous.


4. The curtains twitched as the wind blew through the open window.


5. I felt a sudden twitch in my leg and realized it was because I had been sitting for too long.



1. jerk:作为动词,与twitch的意思相似,都可以指“骤然一抽”、“抽动”。:

- She jerked her head back in surprise when she saw the spider on her shoulder.


- The horse jerked its head up and down as it ate its hay.


2. spasm:作为名词,可以指twitch的意思,即“抽搐”、“痉挛”。:

- She had a spasm in her leg and had to sit down to rest.


- The patient's body went into spasms as he suffered from a severe cramp.





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