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sweep through是什么意思

一:sweep through的意思是迅速传播或席卷。

二:[swiːp θruː],其中“swiːp”读作/swiːp/,“θruː”读作/θruː/。

sweep through是什么意思

三:sweep through通常用作及物动词短语,表示某种力量或情感迅速地传播或影响到某个地区、群体或事物。也可以用作不及物动词短语,表示某种力量或情感在某个地区、群体或事物中迅速地传播。

四:1. The wildfire swept through the forest, destroying everything in its path.(大火席卷了森林,摧毁了一切。)

2. A wave of excitement swept through the crowd as the singer appeared on stage.(歌手登台时,一股兴奋的情绪席卷了观众。)

3. The flu is sweeping through the city, infecting thousands of people.(流感正在城市中迅速传播,感染了数千人。)

4. A feeling of sadness swept through her as she read the news of her friend's passing.(当她看到朋友去世的消息时,一股悲伤的情绪涌上心头。)

5. The trend of online shopping has swept through the world, changing the way people shop.(网购的趋势已经席卷全球,改变了人们的购物方式。)

五:同义词及用法:sweep through可以替换为spread through、engulf、overwhelm等表达相似意思的动词短语。:

1. The news of the scandal spread through the company, causing chaos among the employees.(丑闻的消息在公司中传播开来,引发了员工之间的混乱。)

2. The floodwater engulfed the entire village, destroying homes and crops.(洪水吞没了整个村庄,摧毁了房屋和庄稼。)

3. She was overwhelmed with joy when she received the news of her promotion.(当她收到晋升的消息时,她充满了喜悦。)

六:编辑总结:sweep through是一个常用的动词短语,可以形象地描述某种力量或情感迅速地传播或影响到某个地区、群体或事物。在写作中,可以根据具体情况选择合适的同义词替换,以避免重复使用相同的表达方式。


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