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turn off什么意思? turn off翻译(中文文):关掉, 避开,

怎么读(音标): [tɜːn ɒf]

turn off什么意思? turn off翻译(中文文):关掉, 避开,

用法: turn off是一个动词短语,通常用来表示关闭或者避开某物。它可以用于描述关闭电子设备、水龙头等,也可以用来表示避开某个地方或者人群。


1. Please remember to turn off the lights before you leave the room. 请记得在离开房间前关掉灯。

2. I always turn off my phone when I go to bed. 我睡觉时总是关掉手机。

3. The teacher asked the students to turn off their cell phones during class. 老师要求学生们上课时关掉手机。

4. Can you help me turn off the tap? 你能帮我关掉水龙头吗?

5. She decided to turn off social media for a week to focus on her studies. 她决定关闭社交媒体一周,专心学习。


1. shut down: 关闭,通常指电子设备或者机器。:The computer automatically shuts down after a period of inactivity.

2. switch off: 关闭,常用于电子设备。:Don't forget to switch off the TV before you leave.

3. power off: 关闭电源,强调断开电源连接。:Please remember to power off all devices before leaving the office.

4. avoid: 避免,可以用来表示避开某个地方或者人群。:I try to avoid crowded places during the pandemic.

5. stay away from: 远离,可以用来表示避开某个地方或者人群。:She decided to stay away from toxic people.


turn off是一个常用的动词短语,通常用来表示关闭电子设备、水龙头等,也可以用来表示避开某个地方或者人群。在日常生活中,我们经常会使用到这个短语来提醒自己或他人注意关闭或者避开某物。除了以上提到的同义词外,还有一些类似的短语如shut off, power down等也可以用来表示同样的意思。最后,我们要注意根据具体语境选择合适的短语,以免造成歧义。


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