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turn down是什么意思,turn down的解释

一:turn down是什么意思,turn down的解释的意思:

turn down是一个动词短语,意为“拒绝,谢绝”,也可以指“调低音量”。它可以用来表示拒绝某人或某事,或者调整音量为更低的水平。

turn down是什么意思,turn down的解释


turn down [tɜːn daʊn]


1. 表示拒绝

:“I turned down his invitation to the party.”(我拒绝了他邀请我参加派对。)

2. 调低音量

:“Can you turn down the music? It's too loud.”(你能把音乐调小点吗?太吵了。)


1. He turned down my offer to help him with his project. (他拒绝了我帮他完成项目的提议。)

2. The company turned down the proposal due to budget constraints. (由于预算限制,公司拒绝了这项提议。)

3. Can you turn down the volume on the TV? It's too loud. (你能把电视声音调小吗?太大声了。)

4. She turned him down when he asked her out on a date. (当他邀请她约会时,她拒绝了他。)

5. The restaurant turned me down because I didn't have a reservation. (餐厅拒绝了我,因为我没有预订。)


1. Reject:表示“拒绝”,语气较强烈,常用于正式场合。

:“The company rejected his proposal.”(公司拒绝了他的提议。)

2. Decline:也表示“拒绝”,但语气较委婉。

:“I declined the job offer because I found a better opportunity.”(我拒绝了这份工作的邀请,因为我找到了更好的机会。)

3. Refuse:也可表示“拒绝”,但通常指坚决地不接受。

:“He refused to listen to my advice.”(他拒绝听取我的建议。)


turn down是一个常用的动词短语,意为“拒绝”或“调低音量”。在口语和书面语中都可以使用。除了原始意义外,还可以表示调整音量或温度等。它的同义词包括reject、decline和refuse等,但它们之间有一定的区别。使用时需要根据具体语境选择合适的词汇表达。


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