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trademark是什么意思? trademark翻译(中文文):商标 hellip


trademark是什么意思? trademark翻译(中文文):商标 hellip



1. The company's trademark is a red apple with a bite taken out of it.


2. The trademark for this product was registered in 1995 and is valid for 10 years.


3. The use of this trademark without permission is a violation of intellectual property rights.


4. The company has applied for trademark protection in multiple countries to expand its market globally.


5. The trademark symbol, ™, can be used to indicate that the mark is being claimed as a trademark, even if it has not been officially registered.



1. Brand: a type of product made by a particular company, used to distinguish it from similar products made by other companies.


2. Logo: a design or symbol used by a company to identify its products.


3. Tradename: the name that a company gives to its products or services, used to distinguish them from those of other companies.


4. Service mark: a trademark that identifies and distinguishes the source of a service rather than a product.





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