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tahina什么意思? tahina翻译(中文文):芝麻酱 hellip



tahina什么意思? tahina翻译(中文文):芝麻酱 hellip


四:1. I love to eat hummus with tahina sauce.(我喜欢用芝麻酱来吃鹰嘴豆泥。)2. The tahina dressing adds a rich and nutty flavor to the salad.(芝麻酱调味汁为沙拉增添了浓郁的坚果味道。)3. You can make your own tahina at home by blending sesame seeds, olive oil, and salt in a food processor until smooth.(你可以在家用食物加工机将芝麻籽、橄榄油和盐混合搅拌成光滑的芝麻酱。)4. Tahina is a staple ingredient in Middle Eastern cuisine and is often used in dishes like falafel, baba ghanoush, and shawarma.(芝麻酱是中东美食中的主要配料,经常用于沙拉肉丸、茄子泥和烤肉卷等菜肴。)5. Tahina is a great source of healthy fats and protein, making it a nutritious addition to any meal.(芝麻酱是健康脂肪和蛋白质的良好来源,使其成为任何一餐的营养补充品。)

五:同义词及用法:tahini、sesame paste、sesame butter。这些词都可以用来指代芝麻酱,但tahina通常指的是中东风味的芝麻酱。



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