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suspicious什么意思? suspicious翻译(中文文):可疑的,


suspicious什么意思? suspicious翻译(中文文):可疑的,



1. She gave me a suspicious look when I asked her about the missing money. 她在我问她关于失踪钱款的事情时,给了我一个怀疑的眼神。

2. The police found some suspicious items in his car during the search. 在搜查他的车时了一些可疑物品。

3. He was acting very suspiciously, so I followed him to see what he was up to. 他的举止非常可疑,所以我跟着他看看他在干什么。

4. Her sudden change in behavior has made me suspicious of her intentions. 她突然改变的行为让我对她的意图感到怀疑。

5. The company's financial records are under investigation due to suspicious transactions. 公司因为可疑交易而被调查其财务记录。

同义词及用法:doubtful (可疑的,表示不确定或有怀疑)、mistrustful (不信任的,表示对某人或某事持怀疑态度)、questionable (有问题的,表示存在质疑的疑点)、skeptical (怀疑的,表示对某事持怀疑态度)。

:He was doubtful about the company's financial stability. (他对公司的财务稳定性感到怀疑。)

The new employee's behavior made her mistrustful of his intentions. (新员工的行为让她对他的意图持怀疑态度。)

The politician's questionable actions have caused public outcry. (政客的可疑行动引起了公众强烈。)

She remained skeptical about the validity of the research findings. (她对研究结果的有效性仍然持怀疑态度。)



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