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stubbornly是什么意思? stubbornly翻译(中文文):倔强地,

一:stubbornly是什么意思? stubbornly翻译(中文文):倔强地,指某人或某事物坚持自己的想法或立场,不肯改变或妥协的态度。

二:怎么读(音标):stubbornly [ˈstʌbənli]

stubbornly是什么意思? stubbornly翻译(中文文):倔强地,



1. She stubbornly refused to admit her mistake. 她固执地拒绝承认自己的错误。

2. The child stubbornly held onto the toy, refusing to share it with others. 这个孩子顽固地抓着玩具,拒绝与他人分享。

3. Despite the doctor's advice, he stubbornly continued smoking. 尽管医生建议他戒烟,他仍然顽固地继续吸烟。

4. The old man stubbornly insisted on doing everything by himself, even though he was weak and frail. 老人顽固地坚持自己做所有事情,即使他身体虚弱。

5. She stubbornly held onto her dream of becoming a singer, despite facing numerous rejections. 尽管遭遇了许多拒绝,她仍然顽固地坚持自己成为一名歌手的梦想。


1. He obstinately refused to listen to anyone else's opinion. 他固执地拒绝听取别人的意见。

2. The manager inflexibly stuck to his decision, despite the objections from his team members. 尽管团队成员反对,经理仍然顽固地坚持自己的决定。

3. She adamantly insisted on going to the party, even though she was feeling unwell. 尽管身体不适,她仍然顽强地坚持去参加派对。

4. The doggedly determined athlete finally won the championship after years of hard work and training. 经过多年的努力和训练,这位顽强的运动员终于赢得了冠。



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