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state police是什么意思,state police的翻译,state police


state police是什么意思,state police的翻译,state police

怎么读(音标):[steɪt pəˈlis]

用法:state police一般指的是某个州的,纽约州局(New York State Police)或者加利福尼亚州高速公路巡逻队(California Highway Patrol)。它们与地方局不同,拥有更广泛的管辖权和更高级别的执法权力。

例句1:The state police are responsible for patrolling the highways and ensuring public safety.(州负责巡逻高速公路并确保公共安全。)

例句2:The state police were called in to assist with the investigation of the crime.(州被调派帮助调查这起犯罪案件。)

例句3:If you see any suspicious activity, please contact the state police immediately.(如果你任何可疑活动,请立即州。)

例句4:The state police have jurisdiction over all criminal matters within their state.(州对本州内所有刑事案件具有管辖权。)

例句5:The state police have been praised for their quick response and efficient handling of the emergency situation.(州因其迅速的反应和高效的应对紧急情况而受到赞扬。)

同义词及用法:state police的同义词包括state troopers和state highway patrol,它们都指的是州。另外,有些州也称其为state patrol或者state law enforcement agency。

编辑总结:state police是指美国各州境内负责维护公共安全和执行法律职责的部门,拥有更广泛的管辖权和更高级别的执法权力。它们与地方局不同,通常被称为州局、州巡逻队或者州执法。


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