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state of mind是什么意思? state of mind翻译(中文文):

一:state of mind是什么意思? state of mind翻译(中文文):state of mind是指一个人的心理状态或心态,也可以理解为某个特定时刻一个人的思想、情绪和心理状态的总和。它可以受到外界环境、个人经历、情绪等因素的影响而不断变化。

二:怎么读(音标):[steɪt əv maɪnd]

三:用法:state of mind通常作为名词短语使用,可以用来描述一个人的内心感受或情绪状态。它也可以用来表示某种思维模式或态度。

state of mind是什么意思? state of mind翻译(中文文):


1. Her state of mind was reflected in her actions. (她的行为反映出她的心态。)

2. I need to get into a positive state of mind before the big presentation tomorrow. (明天大型演讲之前,我需要进入积极的心态。)

3. The accident left him in a fragile state of mind for months. (事故让他在几个月内保持脆弱的心态。)

4. She was in a confused state of mind, unable to make any decisions. (她处于混乱的心态,无法做出任何决定。)

5. His state of mind was evident from the way he spoke and carried himself. (从他说话和表现自己的方式可以看出他的心态。)

五:同义词及用法:state of mind的同义词包括mental state、mood、emotional state等。它们都可以用来描述一个人的内心感受或情绪状态。:

1. His mental state was not stable after the loss of his job. (他失业后的心态不稳定。)

2. She was in a good mood after receiving the good news. (收到好消息后,她心情很好。)

3. The athlete's emotional state affected his performance on the field. (运动员的情绪状态影响了他在场上的表现。)

六:编辑总结:state of mind是指一个人在某个特定时刻的思想、情绪和心理状态的总和,它可以受到外界环境、个人经历、情绪等因素的影响而不断变化。它通常作为名词短语使用,可以用来描述一个人的内心感受或情绪状态,也可以表示某种思维模式或态度。其同义词包括mental state、mood、emotional state等。


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