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STAR什么意思? STAR翻译(中文文): Satellite hellip

一:STAR什么意思? STAR翻译(中文文): Satellite是英语单词,意为“卫星”。

二:怎么读(音标): [ˈsætəlˌaɪt]

STAR什么意思? STAR翻译(中文文): Satellite hellip



1. The satellite orbits the Earth every 90 minutes. (这颗卫星每90分钟绕地球一圈。)

2. We use satellite technology to track weather patterns. (我们使用卫星技术来追踪天气模式。)

3. The company launched a new satellite into space last week. (上周该公司将一颗新卫星发射到太空。)

4. The satellite captured images of the hurricane from above. (该卫星从高空捕捉到了飓风的图像。)

5. She stared at the satellite in awe as it passed overhead. (当这颗卫星从头顶飞过时,她惊讶地凝视着它。)

五:同义词及用法:synonyms for Satellite include: space probe, spacecraft, shuttle, orbiter, and artificial satellite.



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