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1. sperm是指男性生殖细胞,也称为精子。它是由睾丸内发育的精子细胞经过分裂和发育形成的,具有受精能力。

2. sperm的读音为/sperm/,英式音标为[sperm],美式音标为[sperm]。

3. 用例:

例句1:The sperm fertilized the egg and created new life.


例句2:The sperm count is an important factor in male fertility.


例句3:The doctor recommended a sperm analysis to determine the cause of infertility.


例句4:The sperm bank provides donor sperm for couples struggling with infertility.


例句5:The swimmer's performance was hindered by a low sperm count.


4. 组词:

sperm donor (捐赠者)

spermicide (杀精剂)

spermatogenesis (精子生成)

spermatocyte (精原细胞)

spermatogenesis disorder (精原细胞生成障碍)

5. 中英文对照:

sperm 精子

male reproductive cell 男性生殖细胞

sperm count 精子计数

fertility 生育力

infertility 不孕

sperm bank 精子库

donor 捐赠者

sperm analysis 精液分析

low sperm count 低精子计数



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