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1. stretcher是什么意思?怎么读?


a) 医疗用具:一种带有平面或弹性的床垫,通常用于运送受伤或病人。

b) 担架:一种用于运送受伤或病人的装置,由一块平板和两条把手组成。

2. stretcher是什么意思?怎么读?读音读法


3. stretcher是什么意思?怎么读?的用例

a) The paramedics carried the injured hiker on a stretcher to the ambulance.


b) The soldiers used a stretcher to carry their wounded comrade back to the base.


c) The hospital has a new stretcher that can be easily folded and stored.


d) The stretcher was too narrow for the obese patient, so they had to use a wider one.


e) The rescue team had to carry the injured skier down the mountain on a stretcher.


4. stretcher是什么意思?怎么读?组词

a) stretcher-bearer:担架员

b) folding stretcher:折叠式担架

c) stretcher bar:框条,画布框

d) ambulance stretcher:救护车担架

e) spine board stretcher:脊柱板担架

5. stretcher是什么意思?怎么读?的中英文对照

stretcher - 担架/ˈstrɛtʃər/

a) medical equipment used for transporting injured or sick people.

b) a device used for carrying injured or sick people, consisting of a flat board and two handles.



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