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1.sequence是指按照一定的顺序或规律排列的一组事物,通常用于描述、行为或数字等。:“The sequence of events in the story is very intriguing.”(这个故事中的顺序非常有趣。)

2.sequence的用法多样,可以作为名词、动词和形容词使用。作为名词时,除了表示一组事物的排列顺序外,还可以表示连续性、递增性或连续发生的一系列。:“The sequence of numbers on the lottery ticket determines the winner.”(上数字的顺序决定了获胜者。)“The sequence of earthquakes in the region is concerning.”(该地区地震的连续发生令人担忧。)

3.作为动词时,sequence意为“按顺序排列”、“安排顺序”、“编排”。:“The director carefully sequenced the scenes in the movie.”(导演精心编排了电影中的场景。)“The songs were sequenced to create a smooth transition between them.”(这些歌曲被安排成一个流畅过渡的顺序。)

4.作为形容词时,sequence表示“连续的”、“相继发生的”。:“The sequence of events leading up to the accident is still unclear.”(导致事故发生的连续仍不清楚。)“We need to follow a specific sequence when performing this experiment.”(在进行这个实验时,我们需要遵循一个特定的顺序。)

5.sequence的用例也非常广泛,可以用于各种场景。:“The sequence of steps for making a cake is as follows:”(制作蛋糕的步骤如下:)“First, preheat the oven. Then, mix the dry ingredients in a bowl. Next, beat the eggs and sugar together. Finally, combine all the ingredients and bake for 30 minutes.”(首先,预热烤箱。然后,在一个碗中混合干配料。接下来,将鸡蛋和糖打发在一起。最后,混合所有的配料并烘焙30分钟。)

6.sequence也可以指一系列数字、字母或符号的排列顺序。:“Can you remember the sequence of letters in your password?”(你能记住你密码中字母的顺序吗?)“The DNA sequence of this organism is being studied by scientists.”(科学家正在研究这种生物的DNA序列。)

7.除了上述用法外,sequence还可以指一部电影、小说或音乐作品中发生的顺序。“I love how the director sequenced the flashbacks in this movie.”(我喜欢导演在这部电影中安排闪回场景的方式。)“The author used an unconventional sequence to tell the story.”(作者使用了非传统的顺序来讲述故事。)

8.例句组词:sequence number(顺序号码)、sequence diagram(顺序图)、sequence alignment(序列比对)、sequence of events(顺序)、sequence analysis(序列分析)


名词:sequence - 顺序

动词:sequence - 排列、编排

形容词:sequential - 连续的


11.随机风格1:“The sequence of events in the murder case was crucial in solving the mystery.”(这起谋杀案件中的顺序对解开谜团至关重要。)“The teacher asked the students to put the words in alphabetical sequence.”(老师要求学生按字母顺序排列单词。)

12.随机风格2:“I always have trouble remembering the sequence of steps for making my mom's famous gna.”(我总是记不住制作我妈妈的拿手千层面的步骤顺序。)“The sequence of letters in this word is so confusing.”(这个单词中字母的顺序太令人困惑了。)

13.随机风格3:“The sequence of events leading up to the election was full of scandals and drama.”(前发生的一系列充满丑闻和戏剧性。)“The DNA sequence of this new species is completely different from any other known organism.”(这种新物种的DNA序列与任何已知生物都完全不同。)

14.随机风格4:“The director decided to change the sequence of scenes to create a more suspenseful ending.”(导演决定改变场景的顺序,以创造一个更悬疑的结局。)“The sequence of numbers on the ticket was the winning combination for the lottery.”(上数字的顺序是中奖号码组合。)

15.随机风格5:“Can you explain the sequence of events that led to the downfall of the empire?”(你能解释导致帝国衰落的一系列吗?)“The scientist used a complex algorithm to analyze the sequence of amino acids in this protein.”(科学家使用复杂算法分析这种蛋白质中氨基酸的顺序。)


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