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run run是什么意思?

1. run run是什么意思?

run run是一个英语词组,它的意思是“快跑”,“奔跑”或者“疾走”。它通常用来形容人或动物的快速移动。

2. run run是什么意思?


run的发音为/rʌn/,重音在第一个音节上。而run run则是重复两次,所以读起来会有一种急促的感觉。

3. run run是什么意思?


1) The dog saw a squirrel and immediately started to run run after it.


2) The children were playing tag and they all started to run run around the playground.


3) I had to catch the bus, so I had to run run to the bus s.


4) The horse was so excited that it began to run run in circles.


5) The marathon runners were exhausted, but they kept on running, one foot in front of the other, with a steady rhythm of run runs.

(马拉松选手们筋疲力尽,但他们仍然坚持跑步,一步接着一步,保持着稳定的run run节奏。)

4. run run是什么意思?


run run可以和其他词组合成不同的短语,如:

1) run run away: 逃跑

2) run run for your life: 赶紧逃命

3) run run in circles: 转圈子地跑

4) run and then some more: 跑了还要继续跑

5) fun run: 慈善跑

5. run run是什么意思?


1) 中文:快跑;英文:run, hurry up

2) 中文:奔跑;英文:run, dash

3) 中文:疾走;英文:run, trot

4) 中文:追逐;英文:chase, pursue

5) 中文:快速移动;英文:move quickly, speed up

run run这个词组在我们的日常生活中是非常常见且有用的。它可以用来描述快速移动的人或动物,并且可以与其他词组合成不同的表达方式。通过学习更多的用例和组词,我们可以更加灵活地运用这个词组,丰富自己的词汇量。我相信,在未来的使用中,run run会给我们带来更多惊喜和便利。让我们一起享受这个美妙的词组吧!


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