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see visions是什么意思? see visions翻译(中文文):看到

怎么读(音标):[siː ˈvɪʒənz]

see visions是什么意思? see visions翻译(中文文):看到

用法:see visions是一个英语短语,意思是“看到幻象”或“产生幻觉”。它通常用来指某人看到不真实的事物,或者在上产生了一种错觉。

例句1:She was so tired that she started to see visions of unicorns and rainbows.(她太累了,开始看到独角兽和彩虹的幻象。)

例句2:The patient claimed to see visions of her deceased husband every night.(病人声称每晚都能看到已故丈夫的幻象。)

例句3:He was under a lot of stress and began to see visions of his worst fears coming true.(他压力很大,开始看到最大的恐惧成为现实的幻象。)

例句4:The shaman claimed to have the ability to see visions of the future.(萨满宣称自己有能力预见未来的幻象。)

例句5:After taking the hallucinogenic drug, he started to see visions of colors and patterns that weren't really there.(在服用迷幻药后,他开始看到并不存在的颜色和图案的幻象。)


1. hallucinations (n.) 幻觉,幻影

例句:The patient experienced vivid hallucinations after taking the medication.


2. illusions (n.) 错觉,幻想

例句:The magician created the illusion of a disappearing rabbit.


3. delusions (n.) 妄想,错觉

例句:The patient's delusions made it difficult for him to distinguish between reality and fantasy.



see visions是一个常用的英语短语,意思是“看到幻象”或“产生幻觉”。它通常用来指某人看到不真实的事物,或者在上产生了一种错觉。它可以用作动词短语,也可以作为名词使用。同义词包括hallucinations、illusions和delusions。使用时需要注意上下文,避免误解。


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